Articulation Agreements

How should I prepare for admission to chiropractic college?

Articulation Agreements and 3 + 1 Programs

Sherman College of Chiropractic has articulation agreements in place with the institutions listed below to streamline your undergraduate preparation for chiropractic college. You can save time and money getting your pre-requisites, bachelor’s degree, and doctor of chiropractic degree.

Each state sets its own requirement for obtaining a license to practice chiropractic. For example, some states require a bachelor’s degree to become licensed. Check the state’s licensing requirements here for the state where you plan to practice before you decide how to complete your pre-requisites.

Transfer and Articulation Agreements

Not all states require a bachelor’s degree to be admitted to chiropractic college. You can prepare by earning 90 semester hours at one of the partner institutions below.

Fast Track 3 + 1 Agreements

Save a full year. Get your bachelor’s degree and your doctor of chiropractic degree in 6.5 years through our 3 + 1 agreements with the undergraduate institutions below.

Bachelor's Degree

You can get your prerequisites at any accredited 4-year institution. The colleges listed below have specific pre-chiropractic programs to help you prepare.

Elms College

Chicopee, Massachusetts

Dr. Janet Williams

Emory & Henry College

J.P. Barfield, D.A., FACSM
Associate Dean, School of Health Sciences

Emory & Henry College
565 Radio Hill Dr.
Marion, VA 24354


Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, PA
Dr. Robert Hinrichsen
Coordinator of Preprofessional Programs

Matthew Talbert, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Biology Director of Premedical Studies

Program Coordinator of Biology

Newberry College

Newberry, SC


Dr. Bret Clark,

Contact NGU admissions by calling 864-523-6955 or email

Amy Ouellette DC
Health Careers Coordinator
PO BOX 7004
Ponce, PR 00732-7004

Find out more about Articulation Agreements

Univerisdad Interamericana de Puerto Rico


Interested in the 3+1 Program