Graduation Year: September 1988
Current Location: Rock Hill, SC (since 1991)
Years in Practice: 34
What do you do to stay connected to Sherman College? I attend Lyceum every year, support the college financially as a Regent, and stay current as an Alumni Association member. Additionally, I am a regular presenter for the Academy of Chiropractic Philosophers, a one-year post-graduate course offered by Sherman College.
Favorite Sherman College Instructor: Dr. Tony Duke
Favorite Lyceum Memory: Over all the years, it has always been the gathering of the Sherman families at Lyceum. It is great seeing all the children who have lived subluxation free from their very start. Another fond memory was one Sunday morning to end a Lyceum, I went to hear Reggie speak one last time before Dr. Catherine Silver-Riddell, ‘76, took the stage to sing “Carry It On.” We all sang along, holding hands and ringing around the white Lyceum tent before we finally had to say goodbye until the next Lyceum.
What has been the best improvement for Sherman? The expansion and modernization of the campus is a huge overall improvement to Sherman.
What’s your Vision for Sherman’s Next 50 Years? My vision is for the college to be the center of growth for the vertebral subluxation correction profession and to be a beacon of chiropractic that shines across the globe.