Chiropractic Techniques at Sherman College

Chiropractic Techniques

Comprehensive Chiropractic Education

When you train to become a doctor of chiropractic, you’ll learn the science of the body’s systems, the philosophy of chiropractic as the means of promoting optimal health and the business aspects of running a successful practice. Our emphasis on chiropractic techniques is the reason Sherman College has a reputation for graduating the best adjusters in the profession and why our graduates are known worldwide for their skills in adjusting the spine.


Applied Learning Builds Expertise

At Sherman College, we equip you with a broad base of knowledge and skills and countless opportunities to apply what you’re learning throughout your program of study.

·         1,243 hours of classroom instruction focused on technique

·         4,700 total classroom hours in the overall program

·         1.5-year internship in our on-campus Chiropractic Health Center under the mentorship of our expert faculty doctors


Side by Side with Faculty Experts

You’ll learn from highly trained faculty who are experienced practitioners. They will become your mentors and guides. They’ll also become your valued colleagues as you begin working side by

side with them to develop your first practice in our on-campus Chiropractic Health Center, which provides approximately 25,000 patient visits each year to people from the local community.


A Range of Skills for Analyzing, Adjusting

Many chiropractic colleges teach a program of proprietary technical approaches that can make it difficult for students to “connect the dots” between options of care. At Sherman College, our core curriculum is designed to equip you with a comprehensive set of analysis and management tools and techniques that can be tailored to each patient’s individual needs.


Students combine new technology, such as spinal imaging, with the fundamentals, such as manual palpation, to achieve the best experience for each individual.


The Sherman System

Our Sherman System integrates elements of the most popular chiropractic techniques into a comprehensive system:

·         Palmer Analysis and Adjusting – Toggle-Recoil, Knee-Chest & Side Posture

·         Gonstead Analysis and Adjusting

·         Thompson Analysis and Adjusting

·         Diversified Adjusting

·         Pierce Analysis


In addition, we offer electives that allow for more detailed study in the following techniques:

·         Gonstead

·         Activator

·         Network Spinal

·         Thompson

·         Pierce Results System

·         Atlas Orthogonal

·         Sacro Occipital Technique

·         Torque Release

·         Orthospinology

·         EPIC

“After 40 years of practice, I endeavored to find a new partner who could help provide outstanding care to our patients. I have been very pleased with Dr. Charles Tucker’s ability in caring for our practice members. I have found that Sherman graduates are equipped to serve and are excellent clinicians from day one.” 

Dr. David Mruz, Class of 1980 (right), with Dr. Charles Tucker III, Class of 2020 (left)

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