Accommodations and Disability

Sherman College works to ensure that our chiropractic school program and services are accessible to all qualified students regardless of their disability or special needs. The College provides reasonable and appropriate accommodations for students with documented disabilities. Incoming students are encouraged to complete the accommodations application and submit all necessary documentation as soon as possible to ensure a response to the request prior to all testing for the new quarter. Accommodations applications are accepted throughout the academic quarter.

Reasonable accommodations vary according to the type and degree of disability. Review of requests will be made on an individual basis and reasonable accommodations afforded, if any, will depend on the nature and extent of the disability, documentation provided, and the requirements of the curriculum.

Sherman College of Chiropractic will provide qualified students who have documented disabilities with appropriate services that do not fundamentally alter college requirements and/or policies. The college is not required to provide aids, devices, or services of a personal nature.

The College operates in accordance with the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 with regard to offering services to students.

Policy 1038Equal Opportunity and Accommodations

Most commonly requested chiropractic school accommodations:

• Extended Testing Time
• Alternate Testing Locations
• Alternate Test Administration

For Additional Details, Please Contact

Student Affairs
