Emergency Contacts
If you see a crime occur or have information about a crime please, report it promptly.
Security Officers
Security officers include all members of the security and maintenance department as well as contract security guards. Contracted security guards have full arrest powers and are licensed through the SC Law Enforcement Division. Other individuals with designated security functions include the Dean of Student Services and the Vice President for Business and Finance. Sherman College is under the jurisdiction of the Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Office and they are responsible for the determination and investigation of criminal activity.
Campus Buildings Access
All buildings on campus are locked and require college-issued security badges. Guest badges are available at the security office during normal business hours, which are 8:00 am-4:30 pm, Monday through Friday.
Normal hours for building access are:
E.C. Taylor Chiropractic Center
Monday - Friday
7:00am - 8:00pmInterns may use the computer lab(HC11) Sat. 10:00am-2:00pm
Scallon Building
Monday – Friday
6:45 am - 5:00 pm
Olsen Building
Monday – Friday
7:00 am - 5:00 pm
Gelardi Student Center
Monday – Sunday
6:00 am - 10:00 pm*
Gelardi Student Center Library
Monday – Thursday
6:55 am - 10:00 pm -
6:55 am - 5:00pm -
10:00 am - 6:00pm
*Students present prior to 10pm may utilize the space until midnight
Walking The Campus
The security department routinely patrols the campus. However, you should take responsibility for your safety. Below are safety tips for everyone:
- Travel in groups — never alone.
- Stay alert and don’t be distracted! Be aware of your surroundings.
- Trust your instincts. Leave an area if you are uncomfortable.
- Walk only in areas that are well-lit.
- If you are uneasy about walking to your car after dark, call the security department and ask for an escort. The security number is 864-316-7576.
Drug and alcohol abuse are significant threats to the safety and security of any community and college campuses are not exempt. Sherman College enforces a strong anti-drug and alcohol policy to prevent the illegal use of drugs and the abuse of alcohol on or off campus. Sherman College also complies with the Drug-Free School Act of 1989, which requires college officials to turn over to authorities, for arrest and prosecution, any person who illegally uses drugs.
For assistance visit the counseling services page.
Drug and alcohol abuse are significant threats to the safety and security of any community and college campuses are not exempt. Sherman College enforces a strong anti-drug and alcohol policy to prevent the illegal use of drugs and the abuse of alcohol on or off campus. Sherman College also complies with the Drug-Free School Act of 1989, which requires college officials to turn over to authorities, for arrest and prosecution, any person who illegally uses drugs.
For assistance visit the counseling services page.
Sherman College is dedicated to maintaining a campus environment that actively discourages and condemns violence of any kind. The college does not tolerate or ignore acts of sexual violence. A student charged with sexual assault on or off campus can be prosecuted under criminal statutes and disciplined by the college. College discipline may be handed down with or without prosecution by local, state or federal authorities. College discipline includes, but is not limited to, probation, suspension or expulsion. See Policy 3067, Prevention and Reporting of a Sexual Assault, and Policy 8027, Sexual Misconduct, linked below for more information.
The college encourages everyone to report any incident of sexual assault on campus immediately to the Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Department by dialing 911. Additionally, the college encourages reporting incidents to the Security Department (ext. 333), the Title IX Coordinator (ext.343), and Office of Student Affairs (ext.224). These offices are equipped to help and can provide additional resources for those affected by an assault, whether on- or off-campus.
It is essential that a victim of a sexual assault receive immediate medical attention to protect against injury and disease and to assist in later prosecution. Preservation of evidence may require that before receiving such attention, the victim not shower, wash any body part, douche, brush teeth, drink liquids or change clothes. The victim should also avoid urinating, and if there has been oral sexual contact, should not smoke or eat.
For immediate assistance contact (864) 316-7576.
This includes any and all vehicles. By entering the premises of Sherman College, all persons agree to abide by the rules, regulations, policies, and procedures of Sherman College and agree to fully cooperate with all security officers. Security officers have the authority to search all persons and property.