FREE - Doctor Retiring!
ChiroManis Cox Tables - 4 tables available
MUST be picked up on or BEFORE January 31st!
Charlotte, North Carolina
United States
LT-900 Leander FD – auto distraction with foot pedal for on/off and speed control. Lateral tilt on pelvic piece. Comes with thoracic and pelvic drops. Cervical tilt. Fixed height 21″. Navy blue leather. Used for 2 1/2 years on approximately 150 – 200 pts/week. Purchased April 2021 new from Leander for $6640. Pick up or you pay for shipping from Pacific NW
Athens, Georgia
United States
Elevation Elite Chiropractic table with manual pedal drops
12 Groce Road, Lyman, South Carolina
United States
Perfect condition Llyod hydraulic ALL drop table. Newly re-upholstered with high dense leather to withstand the test of time.
Lyman, South Carolina
United States
X-Ray wall t protect doctor from radiation exposure. Leaded wall ready to paint to your color. Used - into excellent condition. Cal to make appointment before the new year if possible.
Easley, South Carolina
United States